Thursday, December 22, 2011

cru jones

i'm beginning to think that as bad as it was to have puberty delayed until i was 18, it's even better for my body now. i am turning 30 in a little over 3 months and i have never felt better. one would think that with all of the damage i have inflicted to this body both internally and externally i would start a pretty steep descent into fatness and sloth. but it is just the opposite. i am more flexible now than ever and have a pretty decent of amount of energy. it's as though my body is 3 to 4 years behind my age.

it's probably because of my delayed puberty that i've always been a bit of an emotional guy, pretty girly actually. i distinctly remember crying while i watched "the lion king" in the theater, right when it came out. when scar chucks mufasa off the side of the cliff, the slow motion, the desparate paw strokes at the air as he plummets downward. the look on simba's face. fuck. i lost it. i even remember the huge popcorn pail i was eating my tear-soaked popcorn from. this wouldn't be as big of a deal if i wasn't 12 years old, still wearing sweatpants everywhere at all times, and only having had one testicle drop (figuratively, really). i know i drove my teachers nuts with both typical schoolboy exuberance and my panic attack-inducing need for attention, which is a pretty girly behavior when you think about it. having to go through almost half of high school at under 100lbs was a weird experience. going into freshman year i weighed less than 90lbs. not much testosterone floating around in that frame. i was still pretty athletic and pretty fast, but grace was never something that came to me naturally. but even that has helped me to remain injury free, never landing the same way twice, perhaps.

my point to this rant is that i think that is now paying off.

it is paying off in the way i am able to approach my training. i have been around different types of staying in shape and activities for a long time. i have had the opportunity to try a lot of things; rock climbing, skiing, lacrosse, soccer, biking, swimming, running, rowing, lifting, cross country, ultimate. i have done all of these things for at least one full season and they all have been a huge part of my athletic development. i have tinkered with so much shit it is awesome. many people have done these things and done them for much longer than me. but my advantage right now is that my body thinks i am still 26. i am able to recover quickly from minor injuries and even some serious ones. i still have a large threshhold for pain, which allows me to push not only harder, but smarter. each time i am exercising i am positive it is boosting me towards the next level because i have had the chance to see what works and what doesn't.

it's a lot of fun to be able to draw from past experiences, apply them, try new things, get results and still want more.

get it right, get it tight.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

lotta pretty girls in dis town

felt like hell on thursday, went home.

took friday off from work and got to the gym in the morning.

active stretches

(1) squat; worked up to 13x205, 1x3 @ 205,215,225
(2) bench; worked up to 150x11
(3) chins/pullups; 12,10,10,9,9
(3) cable woodchop; 1x10 @ 50,60,70,80,90
few other things, will probably update later. don't have my notebook

weekend; in portland. hanging with postman. fun ha.

monday; gym

shoulder warmup
active stretches

(1) push press; 3x100, 3x115, 21x125
(2) dips; 2x15, 3x10
(2) 6 inch side taps; 5x100
(3) chins/pullups; 12,10,10,9,9
(3) cable trunk twist; 5x10/side @ 30
(4) cable fly; 3x12 @ 25
(4) cable squat row; 3x12/arm @ 50

finisher; 9-9-9-9, go through 9x
-bw squat; 9
-pushups; 9
-inverted row; 9
jumping jacks; 9
did it in 9:17 (think it might have been a little faster)
then went through and did just 5 reps of each, went through 9x


today, gym.

special guest jojobuckets

active stretches

(1) hang clean from pins; 3x95,110, 11x125
(2) deadlift; 3x215,245,10x275,1x3 @ 295,315
(3) front squat; 5x165,175,185
(4) walking lunges; 3x12/leg holding 25lb plates
(4) side raise; 3x20/side w/45lb plate

go through circuit 5x, using 35lb db
-5db swing/arm
-20 mtn climbers
-5db snatch/arm
-10 burpees

probably took about 10 minutes. this is tough.

play stretch


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

pray for me

felt pretty good today.

got outta work right when school ended.

made it home and put on some play clothes, grabbed my medicine ball and did a sprint workout.

-did a quick lap around the block
-few active stretches
-walked off about 85 yards
-10 sprints; after each 2, 10 med ball slams
about 30 seconds rest between each sprint

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

forever young

continued deload week last week.


shoulder warmup
active stretches

(1) b.p.; 5x70,85,100
(1) bw squats; 3x20
(2) chins/pulls; 3x6
(2) superman; 3x10
(3) dips; 3x6
(3) db row; 3x5 w/50lb db


(!) squat; 5x95,135,155
(1) hang leg raises; 3x6
(2) bulg split squat; 3x6/leg @ 95
(2) decline throws; 3x6


back on it. switching standing military press with push press, want to get my legs moving a bit more.

(1) push press; 5x85,105, 16x120 these felt strong. fun.
(2) dips; 2x15,3x10
(2) legs extended side taps, feet at 6 inches; 5x100
(3) chins/pulls; 12,10,10,9,9
(3) cable trunk twist; 5x10/side @30lbs
(4) cable chest fly; 3x10 @25
(4) cable 1-arm row; 3x10/arm @50

9-9-9 circuit. go through 9x and do 9 reps of each exercise.
-bw squat
-inverted row
-jumping jacks
finished in 9:13. wanted to get it under 9 minutes. inverted rows really held me back.

crushed it.

active stretches

(1) hang clean from pins; 5x85,100, 16x115
(2) deadlift; 5x205,230, 12x265 felt really strong. started losing grip around 8 and just dug in harder and held it for a couple seconds on the last one
superset. do a set of each exercise, no rest in between exercises, 30 seconds between sets.
-front squat; 8x155,165,175
-walking lunges; 3x10/leg w/25lb plates
-side raises; 3x20/side w/45lb plate

five rounds, using a 35lb db.
-5db swing/arm (5left,5right)
-5db snatch/arm (same)
-10 burpees
finished in 8:46

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Pray for me

monday; gym.

deload week.

shoulder warmup
actives stretches

(1) standing military press; 5x45,55,65
(1) bike crunch; 3x6
(2) chins/pulls; 3x6
(2) cable chop; 3x5/side w/60
(3) dips; 3x6
(3) roman chair; 3x6
(4) cable fly; 3x6 w/15
(4) cable 1-arm row; 3x6/arm w/30

today; gym

active stretches

(1) hang clean; 5x65,85,105
(2) deadlift; 5x135,155,185
(2) pushups; 3x5
(2) decline rocky; 3x6
(3) reverse lunge; 3x6/leg w/bar
(3) plank; 3x1min.


Friday, December 2, 2011

i'm gonna nibble your fingers off and put them in the stew


active stretches

(1) squat; 5x175, 3x195, 5x225, 1x225 (these were hard. very hard. was pretty bummed i could only get 5 reps out, and the 5th rep was not pretty. was leaning way too far forward.)
(2) squat; 10x175,170,165,160,155
(2) hanging leg raises; 5x10
(3) bulg split squat; 1x10 @ 70,80; 1x3/leg @ 95,115,135
(3) ab decline throws; 3x10, 2x5


tired. good week.

cris cros applesauce

gym yesterday.

bit of an abbreviated workout because i was heading into amherst after.

shoulder warmup

(1) bench; 5x130, 3x145, 8x160
(1) bw squats; 3x30
(2) bench; 10x120,115,110,105,100
(2) back ext; 5x10 w/45lb plate
(2) chins/pullups; 5x9

outta time